Garden Plans > 2023: Rick

About this Garden Plan

Rick-New Option

Plan Type, Soil and Location

Garden Location: United States
Garden Size: 29' 11" x 8' 11"
Garden Type: Home garden
Garden Layout: Raised Beds
Sun or Shade: Sunny
Garden Soil Type: Good soil

Plan Notes

Garden Plan

Plant List

 PlantNumberSpacingSpacing in RowsNotes
Basil 57"5" x 9"Harvest at 6" hi to encourage side shoots. Pinch tops before flowers set in.
Carrot 213"3" x 5"Sow seeds every 3-4 weeks for continual harvest. Thin as needed.
Chives 47"5" x 9"This is a perennial, bees love the flowers.
Cilantro 47"5" x 9"Likes partial shade, replant in early fall, does not like the heat.
Cucumber 21' 11"1' 11" x 1' 11"Likes to be direct sown and needs a trellis support. Harvesting: Pick cucumbers at least every other day by snipping them from the vine with pruning shears.
Eggplant 21' 3"1' 1" x 1' 5"Stake plants to keep them from falling over. Harvest when skin is firm and glossy.
Leek 47"5" x 11"Harvest when 1-2" in diameter. Use a fork to lose the soil around the plant.
Lettuce (Crisphead) 39"7" x 11"Harvest before bolting, use a sharp knife. Can cut single outside leaves or entire head. Succession plant every 3-4 weeks through out the summer, look for shady spots. Always harvest in the AM.
Lettuce (Leaf) 23"3" x 5"same
Lettuce (Miners) 13"3" x 3" 
Mache 65"5" x 5" 
Marigold 57"7" x 7" 
Parsley 55"3" x 9"It is a biennial plant and may overwinter.
Peas 83"3" x 7"Support plants with a trellis. Harvest: Pick snow peas when the pods are 2-3" long. Pick snap peas when the pods become plump and glossy.
Radish 53"3" x 7"Succession sow every 10-14 days for continuing harvest. Harvest when the size of a quarter.
Tomato (Large) 41' 7"1' 5" x 1' 11"Indeterminate plants need a sturdy cage or trellis at time of planting. Harvest: Pick regularly, as soon as the fruit turns color but are still firm. Prune regularly.
Tomato (Small) 21' 7"1' 5" x 1' 11"Same as large tomatoes but when harvesting, can trim off an entire ripened tendril.

Planting Times

Plant List key