Garden Plans > 2013: tilled and measured january

About this Garden Plan

january planning

Plan Type, Soil and Location

Garden Location: Weigh Station Garden 2013
Garden Size: 50' 0" x 50' 0"
Garden Type: Backyard / back garden
Garden Layout: Traditional layout - rows etc
Sun or Shade: Sunny
Garden Soil Type: Light / Sandy soil

Plan Notes

seeds from mitchells jan 29 potatoes cut and drying jan 29 prepare ground for potatoes jan 30 seed start indoors: feb 4 --spinach, onions, sunflowers, spinach, cabbage, brussels sprouts, brocolli, : potting soil/ perlite

Garden Plan

Plant List

 PlantNumberSpacingSpacing in RowsNotes
 Jersey Knight
361' 5"1' 5" x 1' 5"planted 2011 24 plants moderate yield 2012 [1st yr] hand weeded jan 2013 top covered with sand/compost january 2013 moved to fence side of garden where potatoes beans had been previously dug each individually and placed in 3 rows of 8 plants each [oct 2013]
Basil 27"5" x 9"seed pck direct
Beans (Bush Snap) 1089"5" x 1' 1"3 pickings and took out plants in june--got too hot to early causing tough beans. fighting asian beetles most of time with Sevin--too hot-tough beans..consider planting in march
 Early Wonder
575"3" x 7"seed starter feb 3 direct seed in mar low growth rate...some beets..not too many try again
 De Cicco
41' 5"1' 5" x 1' 5"direct seed march 22 up and healthy april 22 liquid fed april 15 trasnplanted some in early may--got too hot--bolted not one broccoli
Brussels Sprouts
 Jade Cross Hybrid
21' 11"1' 11" x 1' 11"direct seed march 22 up and healthy april 22 liquid fed april 15 translplanted early may--did nothing not one plant
Cabbage (Spring Red) 82' 5"1' 11" x 2' 11"with the early wakefiled set as plants in mar pulled in jun and made pickled cabbage with reds; made saurkraut and hulupchi with whites
Cabbage (Spring)
 Early Jersey Wakefield
102' 5"1' 11" x 2' 11"direct seed march 22 up and healthy april 22 liquid fed april 15 transplanted some in early may--got too hot--bolted or very small heaed--not edible direct plant did well--even those i tx planted in fall did ok
 Danvers Half Long
933"3" x 5"seed pck direct seed mar pulled in jul--nice consistent sizes..canned holy smokes--great production
Cilantro 27"5" x 9"seed pck direct
 Marketmore 80
71' 11"1' 11" x 1' 11"direct seed april 15 april 22-up and healthy did well
Cucumber 141' 11"1' 11" x 1' 11"direct seed april 10 april 22 up and healthy produced well-heat caused dwarf growth in some did well
Dill 37"5" x 9"refresh in garden
Garlic 345"3" x 9"planted from cloves--ok--need to be in ground for longer than 3 mo
Lemon Balm 11' 11"1' 11" x 1' 11" 
Marigold 207"7" x 7" 
Marjoram 17"5" x 9"refresh in garden
Mint 57"5" x 9"transplant from house
Onion 575"3" x 7"seed starter feb 3 greened out and planted feb 27 under full moon ok--not impressed
Oregano 17"5" x 9"refresh in garden
Parsley 25"3" x 9"seed pck direct seed
Peanut 9811"9" x 1' 1"direct seed april 15 [mitchell's] move to rear of garden--water and pay attention to weeds more got a couple of peanuts..
Peas 5403"3" x 7"took plants out in ealry june- got a couple of meals too hot too early yuck
Pepper 151' 1"11" x 1' 3"direct seed march 15 april 22-no evidence - cold evenings plants: got a few-remember to plant next to each other for better production
Potatoes (Early)
 Russet Norkotah (eyes)
141' 3"1' 1" x 1' 7"planted april 1 up and healthy april 22 liquid fed april 15 great yeild
Potatoes (Early)
601' 3"1' 1" x 1' 7"cut, dried, rootoned planted feb 27 - full moon up and healthy - april 22 contiue to hill as per growth liquid fed april 15 great yeild
Rosemary 17"7" x 7"refresh in garden
Sage 111"11" x 1' 3"refresh in garden
Spinach 187"5" x 11"direct seed in mar..cutting by end of april early may--really too hot to quick and bolted
Squash (Summer)
 Black Beauty
71' 11"1' 11" x 1' 11"direct seed april 10 april 22-up and healthy produced well READ summer squash
Squash (Summer) 71' 11"1' 11" x 1' 11"direct seeded in april--produced well battle with ladybug imposter insects and little yellow catepillars type bugs.. produced ok
Squash (Winter)
 Butternut Waltham
52' 11"2' 11" x 2' 11"direct seed april 15 april 22 - up and healthy jul 21-still blossoming and setting fruits..great return on 3 it again--however, space better holy smokes! great production
21' 7"1' 5" x 1' 11"plantent 2012 moderately small fruit and yield 2012 4 runners out refresh in garden
11' 7"1' 5" x 1' 11"refresh in garden
Strawberry 41' 7"1' 5" x 1' 11"refresh in garden
 American Giants Hybrid
2411"11" x 11"3 rows to height 4', 5', 6+ seed march sprouted 14 days..healthy definitely need water birds and insects like them small flower heads
Tarragon 21' 3"1' 3" x 1' 7"refresh in garden
Thyme 111"11" x 1' 3"refresh in garden
Tomato (Small)
 Early Girl Grafted
11' 7"1' 5" x 1' 11"planted april 15 [mitchell's] april 22-doing shock liquid fed april 15 hollow fruit-not impressed-although the weather got too hot too early--but high abundance.
Tomato (Small)
 Homestead 24
101' 7"1' 5" x 1' 11"seed pck did not germinate
Tomato (Small) 11' 7"1' 5" x 1' 11" 
Tomato (Small)
 Big Beef
101' 7"1' 5" x 1' 11"direct seed april 7 april 22 just barely through soil consider not doing this again terrible year-too many insects too much/too little water very limited harvest

Planting Times

Plant List key
 Jersey Knight
Beans (Bush Snap)
 Early Wonder
 De Cicco
Brussels Sprouts
 Jade Cross Hybrid
Cabbage (Spring Red)
Cabbage (Spring)
 Early Jersey Wakefield
 Danvers Half Long
 Marketmore 80
Lemon Balm
Potatoes (Early)
 Russet Norkotah (eyes)
Potatoes (Early)
Squash (Summer)
 Black Beauty
Squash (Summer)
Squash (Winter)
 Butternut Waltham
 American Giants Hybrid
Tomato (Small)
 Early Girl Grafted
Tomato (Small)
 Homestead 24
Tomato (Small)
Tomato (Small)
 Big Beef