Garden Plans > 2012: Secret garden

About this Garden Plan

My ultimate garden plan. It is still in the works as I figure out what I want where, and write in notes from other sources.

Plan Type, Soil and Location

Garden Location: Cheyenne, WY
Garden Size: 60' 11" x 60' 11"
Garden Type: Home garden
Garden Layout: Raised Beds
Sun or Shade: Sunny
Garden Soil Type: Other soil

Plan Notes

Garden Plan

Plant List

 PlantNumberSpacingSpacing in RowsNotes
Beans (Bush Snap) 79"5" x 1' 1" 
Cabbage (Spring) 12' 5"1' 11" x 2' 11" 
Cabbage (Summer) 11' 7"1' 5" x 1' 9" 
Carrot 643"3" x 5" 
Corn 201' 1"11" x 1' 5" 
Cucumber 51' 11"1' 11" x 1' 11"sprout before planting outside
Feverfew 111"11" x 11" 
Garlic 15"3" x 9" 
Horseradish 21' 1"1' 1" x 1' 1" 
Lettuce (Crisphead) 59"7" x 11"plant in mid august
Lettuce (Leaf) 113"3" x 5" 
Melon 22' 11"2' 11" x 2' 11" 
Onion (Fall planted) 145"5" x 9" 
Onions (Green) 203"3" x 3" 
Peas 1313"3" x 7" 
Pepper 71' 1"11" x 1' 3" 
Pumpkin 32' 11"2' 11" x 2' 11" 
Radish 693"3" x 7" 
Strawberry 61' 7"1' 5" x 1' 11" 
Tomato (Small) 81' 7"1' 5" x 1' 11" 
Watermelon 92' 11"2' 11" x 2' 11" 
Zucchini 11' 11"1' 11" x 1' 11" 

Planting Times

Plant List key