APPROX. 660 sq ft of planting space. All 4' high fenced in. 11 beds in all, 9 main beds are 12' X 5' x 12"+ deep. Other 2 beds are step beds: 4' X 20' and 2' X 16' with an addition 4' X 3'.
Was a grass field in Spring of 2010 and heavy clay. Annually leaf mulched and limed in the Fall. Started food scrap and end of season debris composting bin in 2015.
The garden area features a sink & storage cabinet, a 50 gal food grade liquid fertilizer tank with a 560 gal/hr electric pump, timer controlled watering or liquid fertilizer (Miracle Gro) can be pumped through the irrigation system of soaker hoses. Each bed is PVC piped to the water source and has its own shutoff valve. A compost bin, compost/manure tumbler, 7' X 3' X 18" in ground cold frame and currently 3 portable 5' X 4' wood & plastic circle top cold frames, hinged so either or both halves can be opened, can be placed anywhere on the raised bed frames are available. For critter control, since the garden is very near to woodland, motion sensitive lighting and a motion sensitive high frequency sound generator do the job.
Garden Location:
1361 Crooked Oak Rd Hillsville, VA 24343
Garden Size:
29' 11" x 69' 11"
Garden Type:
Home garden
Garden Layout:
Raised Beds
Sun or Shade:
Partial Shade
Garden Soil Type:
Good soil
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