Garden Plans > 2015: hot house garden

About this Garden Plan

40X40 garden with 20X10X7 hot house directly behind for warm blooded veg and fruits and early starters. Alpine garden at near 5000 ft never really gets warm at night average frost is first weeks of September last frost not until second week of June. Ground hard and rocky but have layers well aged livestock compost over top 9 inches deep.

Plan Type, Soil and Location

Garden Location: Plains Montana
Garden Size: 50' 0" x 39' 11"
Garden Type: Home garden
Garden Layout: Traditional layout - rows etc
Sun or Shade: Sunny
Garden Soil Type: Good soil

Plan Notes

Garden Plan

Plant List

 PlantNumberSpacingSpacing in RowsNotes
Beans (Bush Snap) 639"5" x 1' 1" 
Cabbage (Summer) 61' 7"1' 5" x 1' 9" 
Carrot 903"3" x 5" 
Chili Pepper 31' 1"11" x 1' 3" 
Corn 1321' 1"11" x 1' 5" 
Cucumber 281' 11"1' 11" x 1' 11" 
Garlic 185"3" x 9" 
Gourd 12' 11"2' 11" x 2' 11" 
Herb 547"5" x 9" 
Horseradish 41' 1"1' 1" x 1' 1" 
Lettuce (Leaf) 1103"3" x 5" 
Muskmelon 32' 11"2' 11" x 2' 11" 
Onion 665"3" x 7" 
Peas 3403"3" x 7" 
Pepper 81' 1"11" x 1' 3" 
Potatoes (Early) 581' 3"1' 1" x 1' 7" 
Pumpkin 32' 11"2' 11" x 2' 11" 
Radish 1403"3" x 7" 
Strawberry 851' 7"1' 5" x 1' 11" 
Tomato (Large) 651' 7"1' 5" x 1' 11" 
Watermelon 42' 11"2' 11" x 2' 11" 
Zucchini 21' 11"1' 11" x 1' 11" 

Planting Times

Plant List key