Garden Plans > 2014: Plot 1

About this Garden Plan

Allotment plan

Plan Type, Soil and Location

Garden Location: Richards Plot
Garden Size: 30' 11" x 28' 11"
Garden Type: -
Garden Layout: -
Sun or Shade: -
Garden Soil Type: -

Plan Notes

Garden Plan

Plant List

 PlantNumberPlants per Square FootNotes
Artichoke (Globe) 10 
Artichoke (Jerusalem) 11 
Beans (French) 539 
Broccoli (Green) 161 
Courgette 41 
Gooseberry 10 
Leek 509 
Potatoes (Early)
171One row of charlottes 16 plants about 2lb 8 oz Bought at Wilkinsons in small bag.
Potatoes (Early) 241 
Raspberry 30 
Rhubarb 10 
Shallots 309 
Spinach (Perpetual) 94 
Squash (Summer) 31 
Swiss Chard 94 

Planting Times

Plant List key