Garden Plans > 2014: Prima's culinary and medicinal herb garden
Medicinals and storage crops.
Garden Location:
Lewiston, Idaho
Garden Size:
39' 11" x 25' 0"
Garden Type:
Backyard / back garden
Garden Layout:
Raised Beds
Sun or Shade:
Partial Shade
Garden Soil Type:
Good soil
This garden is designed for long term storage foods, culinary and medicinal plants. It also primarily uses heirloom varieties so I may save seeds for next years crops. Half the cranberries are actually lingonberries. Climbing roses (enigma) will be against west wall of house (east sidel of plan). Planting grapes (or seaberries) this year so I still have room to under plant a short variety of corn. Am considering planting sweet peas on west side of garden along the fence. Invasive herbs will be planted in wine barrels. Perennial medicinals will be planted in shady ell at south side of garden and in first and second beds on north side of garden. Planting 4 flu specific herbs (verbascum, hairy agrimony, geranium sanguinaria and black elderberries. (Elderberries not part of this section of garden). Also planting immune boosting plants, echinacea and elderberries. Considering planting one entire wine barrel with thyme for virucidal properties. Lemon balm will go in a wine barrel as will peppermint and spearmint. Trialing 6 kindsd of winter squash, will save seed from those that are delicious, prolific and do not succumb to squash bugs.
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