20x20 space.
May 27, 2012 Steve and I planted a 10x20 on Planted tomatoes, peppers, herbs, melons, acorn squash.
May 29, 2012extended the garden to a 20x20
May 30th, Steve and I prepared for the freeze.
May 31, 2012 planted watermelon, zuch, pumpkins, lettuce, swiss chard, cucumbers, 5 tomatoes, Marjoram, another cilantro. Still need more lettuce and would like to add sugar snap peas, looks like that will be from seed. I purchased 2 blueberry bushes at half off :) Deciding to add to this garden or put at my house. It would be nice to have a permante place to have the perinals.
June 2, 2012 Steve and I rearranged some plants for growth. :)